In recent years, I’ve had the privilege to be invited to some conferences and events and share about worship, the emerging church, social media, and technology. Below is a list of the events that I have been able to participate in. If you’re interested in inviting me to speak at your church or event, please contact me here.
- PechaKucha Presentation on Theology Pub – A presentation at the 2013 Emergence Christianity Event with Phyllis Tickle, Memphis (January 10-12, 2013) / Description of PechaKucha presentations / slides available here
- “How Technology is Changing Our Faith & Worship: Whether You Know it or Not” – Workshop at A Byte of the Future: A Conference on Using Technology in Worship and Education, Union Presbyterian Seminary (October 18-20, 2011) / slides available here
- “Raising Kids in an Electronic Age” – Seminar for parents at Centerville Presbyterian Church, Fremont, California (March 13, 2011) / slides available here
- “Wired, Worries and Wonders: Technology & Soul” – Workshop at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Palo Alto, California (March 13, 2011) / slides available here
- “Pomomusings & Beer: Opening Up the Conversation For All” – Presentation at Theology After Google, Claremont School of Theology (March 2010) / slides available here
- “Emerging Worship Environments” and “Real Ministry in a Virtual World” – Two workshops at Alt7 Conference, Montreat Conference Center (June 2009)
- “Communicating Faith in a Web 2.0 World” – Keynote Address at Presbyterian Communicator’s Network Midwest Regional Conference (August 2008) / more info here
- “Presbymergent Polity: Worship, Sacraments and (Dis)Order” – Workshop at Presbymergent: Always Reforming Conference, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (October 2007)
- “Practice & Presbyterianism: Emergence as Re-formation” – Workshop at Mainline Emergent/s, Columbia Theological Seminary (January 2007)